Friday, 31 July 2015

Road Safety Cell

Road Safety Cell
The reputable organization, CSR offers the nodal organization for planning and management of all government, social initiatives and commercial enterprises in our group for information on protection showcaing street. It is well known today that the internalization of traffic patterns of self-discipline and the way motorists is the key to ensuring safer streets precondition. Motivated by the "Catch a young" view CSR focuses its activities in the education of our children, people of the future and the basic principles of road safety. CSR has also given certain allied actions such as analysis of the causes of traffic injuries, performed to reduce traffic accidents, etc.

Mobile Protection Street advances by an official sub-inspector of the traffic police and is served by a Chief Constable May 7 volunteers from Marshals and safe. The performance of the mobile phone is divided into three branches:
Discipline: - The Division of knowledge is the main street of the mobile protection and given the task of distributing the attention to road safety.

Research Branch: - Analysis Branch is responsible for the study of injuries waysof recognize the real causal factors. The branch indicates the technological innovation of roads and other actions to prevent injury cases the road.
Branch test vehicle owner: - The owner of the test cell Street Car Protection Division is responsible for the implementation of the "knowledge test" (test license as a foreign language) and 'Generation Skills Test' to generate license driving or certificate.
Location: Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India


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